Summer 2018 Drama, Storytelling, Script Design, Improv, Set Design and Audition Prep
Who: Entering PreK through 8th grade students.
What: Full Day Drama Camps
When: Weekly workshops from June 26th to August 4th, 2017.
This is an all day camp from 9am to 5pm daily
A Student Exhibition or Production is held every Friday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Where: Cambridge International School
5197 Roswell Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30342
Cost: 9am to 5pm per day - $250 per week
Early am drop off (7:30am to 8:45am) is 30 dollars per week
Late pm pick up (5:00 to 6:00) is 30 dollars per week
Organic Lunch is $5 dollars per day (optional)
In addition to our amazing camps and productions you child will be offered assistance with:
- Auditioning for commercials, television, and film projects
- Interpreting scripts, developing characters and making good choices
- Becoming skilled behind the camera
- Learning how to seek representation: agents/managers
- Self-Taping tutorial
- Working the room during live auditions
- On-set technique and etiquette.
Camp Weeks/Themes:
4th - 8th: Drama 101 - An Introduction to the Dramatic Arts: Film and Theatre - a fun filled week of storytelling, set design, directing and more! The perfect camp to keep your young thespian engaged, interested and inspired in this starter camp.
11th - 15th: "Lights, Camera, Action" - Weaving together acting, music, and art, students will work on age appropriate material to learn to apply new techniques and develop new ways of interpreting character. Guided by our experienced team and through the actor’s process of preparation and character creation, students delve into monologue and scene work as they rehearse a show. This week session culminates in a production for an audience of family and friends.
19th - 22nd: The World of Animation - An introduction to animated characters brought to life. Students will create their own short transforming everyday objects into something completely new. Young animators will be given a variety of materials to explore, and are welcome to personalize the film with a favorite object of their own! The group will capture these creatively playful ideas in a stop motion film and utilize various animation exercises.
25th - 29th : Fantasy Character Design - A Visual Story Telling Camp - Your child will enter the world of the imagination. We'll create characters through improv, brainstorming session and individual sketch - each child will bring their creation to life in a vibrant, original production that will be filmed and consigned to posterity.
9th-13th Kaleidoscope of Color - Our young actors create a world of imagination through color, story and emotion. Production at end of the week.
16th - 20th "You Got the Part" - The actors discover their unique strengths and hone their audition skills. A continuation of "Lights, Camera, Action" students will work together to apply new techniques and develop new ways of interpreting character. Guided by our experienced team and through the actor’s process of preparation and character creation, students delve into monologue and scene work as they rehearse a show. This week session culminates in a production for an audience of family and friends.
23rd- 27th "I'm Ready for my Closeup" - This camps is for your mini star in the making. Your child will come home with a basic understanding of what it means to be on a film set, how to present themselves for the camera and audition for a show, commercial and other scenarios.
You may select up to all 7 weeks when registering your child.
One time camp registration camp is $50 dollars. Camps are $280 dollars per week with additional charges for early drop off, late pickup and lunch (optional).
Camp Registration and Payment Information:
Please complete and submit the online registration form to register your child for camp. Camp fees must be paid in full to guarantee your child's place. A Payment Invoice will be forwarded upon receipt of your registration form.
The 2018 Camp Registration is now open. You may register here:
Fill out an online application by clicking here. Once you fill out this online form we will send you an invoice within 24 hours and will consider your child enrolled when payment is made in full.
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